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 Home Registered Programs Search Swim for Life - Adult Swimmer 2 - Women & Girls Only

Swim for Life - Adult Swimmer 2 - Women & Girls Only

Adult swimmers will practice different entries into deep water including dives, rolls, and tuck jumps (cannonballs). As they work on building strength and endurance, they will aim to be able to tread water for 1-2 minutes. New underwater skills are introduced such as handstands in shallow water and front somersaults (in water). Swimmers will achieve the Swim to Survive standard by being able to roll into deep water, tread water for 1 minute, and swim 50m. In addition to improving their front crawl, back crawl, and whip kick, swimmers will be introduced to breaststroke.

  • Flutter kick on front 5 m; reverse direction and flutter kick on back 5 m

  • Standing dive into deep water
  • Forward roll entry into deep water with PFD
  • Forward roll entry into deep water without PFD
  • Tuck jump (cannonball) into deep water
  • Handstand in shallow water
  • Front somersault (in water)
  • Swim underwater 5-10 m
  • Canadian Swim to Survive Standard: Roll entry into deep water, tread 1 min. and swim 50 m
  • Interval training: 4 x 25 front or back crawl with 20 sec. rests
  • Flutter kick on back 5 m; reverse direction and flutter kick on front 5 m
  • Whip kick on back 10-15 m
  • Whip kick on front 10-15 m
  • Breaststroke arms drill 10-15 m
  • Front crawl 15-50 m
  • Back crawl 25-50 m
  • Interval training: 4x25 m flutter kick with 15-20 sec. rests
  • Sprint front crawl 25 m
  • Water Smart messages