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 Home Registered Programs Search Swim for Life - Swimmer 3 (French)

Swim for Life - Swimmer 3 (French)

Swimmers will make a splash with their kneeling dives and forward roll entries. Swimmers will be challenged with the introduction to more difficult (but fun) skills such as handstands in shallow water and in front somersaults (in water). Increased time and distance components are incorporated for skills learned such as flutter kick on front and back, whip kick on back, front and back crawl, and interval training.

  • Kneeling dive into deep water
  • Forward roll into deep water
  • Tread water 30 sec.
  • Handstand in shallow water
  • Front somersault (in water)
  • Jump into deep water, tread 30 sec., and swim/kick 25 m
  • Flutter kick on back 5 m; reverse direction and flutter kick on front 5 m
  • Flutter kick on front 5 m; reverse direction and flutter kick on back 5 m
  • Whip kick on back 10 m
  • Front crawl 15 m
  • Back crawl 15 m
  • Water Smart Message: Wear a Lifejacket
  • Interval training: 4 x 15 m flutter kick with 20 sec. rests
  • Water Smart message: Swim with a Buddy
  • Water Smart message: Check the Ice
  • Water Smart message: Swim to Survive