We provide support for people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing for registered programs.

Tot Pool Schedule

A recreation swim in a warm shallow pool designed specifically for younger children. (Note: no other amenities available)

A maximum of three children under 8 must be actively supervised in the pool and anywhere in the aquatic facility by a responsible person 15 years of age or older. Children under 8 must be within ARMS reach at all times.

Review our aquatic centre rules and guidelines.


Tot Pool

Date: Mon, 14-Oct-24

Time: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM (720 mins)

Spaces: 1

Not specified

Location: Tot Pool

Venue: Booster Juice Recreation Centre in Terwillegar

Date Time Class Location Venue Spaces Availability
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
720 mins
Tot Pool Tot Pool Booster Juice Recreation Centre in Terwillegar 1 Available for Drop-In